Holding a math workshop is not an easy task. It's essential to know that there is no specific right way of doing it. An important thing to put in mind is what is the main focus of your workshop. Creating a conducive climate in your classroom is key. for students to work independently, it allows the teacher to be more flexible, being mindful of the Classroom management and climate is essential. The following are ways in which one can achieve an excellent math workshop for teachers.


 It brings independence. All students need to access everything they want without being assisted. One main advantage of holding a math workshop is that teachers have an opportunity to form small groups or work with students in enrichment or RTI situations. These assure them that the students are participating in mindful work, and they are adhering to instructions and supervision. Self-Reliance, independence and responsibility in the student are built with access to their materials. For students to know how to use and care for their items respectively and independently, it is important to set up the classroom so that students can find and put away math items. Students need to recognize when tools are needed. Having them available at all times gives them a chance to capitalize whenever needed without distracting the teacher.


It enhances trust. These are critical. For your students to work independently, trust between the students and the teachers is necessary and among other students. Students need to be trusted by their teachers on using their time wisely while working with other students. Students need to show an assurance that instructions needed they can get, and students around them will allow them to do so. For a classroom to have a climate of trust from teachers, they need to release their student into independent work gradually and set clear expectations. Find out more about math workshop on this page.


It brings excitement. Maths is a fun subject, and people should strive to make it enjoyable for themselves. If students can identify your passion for math and for solving problems, this kind of feeling is contagious. Making math interesting is the duty of a teacher where they can write a quick math survey to see the student’s attitude.


It brings accountability. For someone who's math, the workshop is new to them, and accountability is something they may be concerned about. Questions such as are students doing what they're supposed to do? One is allowed to design checklist, rotation systems and the likes. Starting small is recommendable and take baby steps together with your students and gradually making progress. Click on this link for more details: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/social-math-why-learning_b_5279935.